
Member Portal

The FSA is a member-driven organization supported by a team of professional staff.

Members have an opportunity to participate in their union by serving on the Board of Directors, acting as a Tech Rep, serving on a committee, and by attending FSA events and consultations.

FSA Members

FSA membership is made up of over 1,800 BCIT employees from across the Institute’s academic schools and from the many Departments that provide academic support. Our members are educators and education professionals dedicated to a providing a quality learning environment for BCIT’s students and to contributing towards the Institute’s role in the BC economy and education system.

FSA Board of Directors

The FSA Board of Directors is made up of ten FSA members elected by the membership for two-year terms. The President and Vice-President are elected in even years and eight members-at-large are elected in the alternate (odd) year, including two positions allocated for Director, Associate Members (e.g. PTS/Flexible Learning Instructors). The FSA Board is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the union, reviewing and setting organizational policy, and exercising the union’s legal and financial responsibilities.

FSA Tech Reps

Tech Reps are FSA representatives in each Department. Selected annually, they provide an essential and personal link between the Association’s membership and our leadership group and staff. Representation is a core function of the FSA and Tech Reps are a vital part of how the Association continues to consult and gain feedback from its members. Tech Reps’ contributions allow the FSA to write informed policy and respond effectively to ongoing changes at BCIT.


The FSA has its own caucuses and appoints members to BCIT and external committees as well. We have always depended on member-volunteers to drive our union, and the impact that we’ve had on BCIT’s campuses, the working lives of BCIT employees, and broader community is a result of this volunteerism. If you think you’d like to contribute, we encourage you to watch for opportunities to join these committees and help steer your union. Follow the link in the Committees heading for more information.

FSA Staff

The FSA has a professional team of staff to support mission, values, and vision of the union. The staff team implements the strategic direction and policies of the organization through work in the areas of strategic leadership, labour relations, data management, communications, and operational support.