The FSA’s Collective Agreement with the employer includes approximately 20 different types of leave provisions. These leaves are wide-ranging, and include absences for circumstances such as bereavement, participating in election to public office, maternity and parenting, professional development, and sick leave.
Some of the more common leaves that the FSA is asked about are:
(a) Maternity, Parental, and Adoption Leave (Article 9.6)
(b) General Purpose Leave Without Pay (Article 9.7)
(b) Professional Development Leave (Article 10.5)
(d) Development Leave, Short-Term – Technical Staff, Specialized Faculty, and Assistant Instructors (Article 10.6)
(e) Professional Development Leave Without Pay (Article 10.7)
There are various eligibility criteria to be satisfied for these different leaves, as well as limits on how much leave time an employee can take.
If you have any questions that are not answered by reading the respective Collective Agreement provisions, or if you are experiencing difficulty in accessing your rights to a leave, contact the FSA.