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    Upcoming FSA Workshop: Navigating Institutional Governance at BCIT

    Upcoming FSA Workshop: Navigating Institutional Governance at BCIT

    FSA members have many opportunities to participate in collegial governance at BCIT, from departmental decision-making (such as workloading and selection), to providing input on educational policies, and serving on Education Council (EdCo) or the Board of Governors (BoG). In BCIT’s bicameral system of governance, EdCo and the BoG share responsibility for institutional oversight and decision-making. But how does it all work? What does EdCo actually do? Who has the power and how do you get to participate?

    Co-facilitators Andrea Matthews (outgoing EdCo FSA faculty rep for SOCAS) and Shannon Kelly (longtime FSA Board member) have designed an interactive and participatory workshop to harness our collective knowledge on how institutional governance works at BCIT. Join us in tackling how governance works at BCIT, who gets to participate, and how you can get involved alongside fellow FSA members, FSA Board and staff.

    Email Member Engagement Officer Matt Greaves for your invitation. Lunch provided.

    Date: June 19, 2024
    Time: 2:30-5pm
    Location: SE6-106

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